First Comes Marriage, then Comes Grace

Well, it finally happened. After a decade or so of amendments, court challenges, referreudum and the like, same sex marriage is now legal accross the United States.  The 5-4 decision by the Supreme Court was a momentous day for many LGBT Americans, myself included. Of course, this news is personal for me.  Like a lot... Continue Reading →

Tiny Violins

Some of the responses to to a recent post as well as some extra reading has me back at the keyboard again to share something thoughts about this rapidly changing situation in Indiana. I want to focus on one issue in particular: the demand by social conservatives to push for tolerance . So here goes.... Continue Reading →

We Are the Champions

It's over. We won. I'm talking about same-sex marriage.  In the months following last year's decision by the Supreme Court on marriage, state after state has had laws banning same-sex marriage ruled unconstitutional.  This week alone, we've seen Virgina and Kentucky move forward in the march towards marriage equality.  Different parts of the federal government... Continue Reading →

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